Ready to Begin Your Journey from Employee to Entrepreneur?

Unlock Your Next Chapter: Build Your Dream Business Without Leaving Your Day Job!

Together, we'll identify the perfect business that makes sense for you, build a rock-solid plan, and launch your dream venture. It's time to create the future you deserve.

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Busy Woman's Guide Before Launching a Startup 

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Coaching Services

Employee to Entrepreneur 

Are you a career-woman with a wealth of experience and a burning desire to start your own business? 

Transform Your Passion into a Thriving Business StartUp in this intentional coaching program.

The “Employee to Entrepreneur”  is your bridge from daydreaming about entrepreneurship to launching a business that’s as unique as you are.

Who Is This For?

This framework is tailored for career- women who have honed and accumulated their skills and experience over the years from the corporate world and are now ready to embark on an entrepreneurial journey.

What Do We Focus On?

We begin at the ideation stage, where your passions, skills, and the market’s needs intersect to reveal the perfect business opportunity for you. From there, we’ll navigate the path of product development, crafting a robust business plan, and establishing a personal brand that truly resonates with your target audience.

How Is This Delivered?

Enjoy the flexibility of self-paced courses like available online  combined with the personalized touch of one-on-one coaching sessions. These sessions are designed to address your unique questions and provide guidance tailored specifically to your business vision.

Embark on your entrepreneurial journey with confidence. “From Employee to Entrepreneur” is more than a coaching service—it’s a partnership for success.
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Bigger Better You

Do you dream of achieving audacious goals in either your career or personal life but feel stuck or unsure where to begin? 

Embark into a personalized life coaching to help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life. Our certified coaches will partner with you to uncover your deepest aspirations, identify any roadblocks holding you back, and create a personalized action plan to achieve success. Whether you're looking to improve your health and wellness, strengthen relationships, master your finances, or pursue a passion project, Bigger Better Me will provide the support, guidance, and accountability you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Together, we'll help you:

* Define your vision for success
* Set SMART goals and break them down into actionable steps
* Develop strategies to overcome challenges and build resilience
* Increase your self-confidence and motivation
* Celebrate your achievements and stay accountable

Our life coaching programs are designed to be flexible and fit your unique needs. We offer individual coaching sessions, group coaching programs, and online coaching resources to empower you on your journey to a more fulfilling life.
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Solopreneur Breakthrough

Are you stuck on Start-Up mode and need a breakthrough?
Many solopreneurs, direct sellers, insurance agents, and network marketers pour their hearts into their businesses, but struggle to get noticed in a crowded marketplace. At Bigger Better Me, we get it. As our Head Coach being in Direct-Selling Herself since 2006. 

Our proven coaching program helps you ditch the generic brand and craft a powerful personal brand that attracts ideal clients and fuels your growth.

We'll help you:

*Uncover your unique selling proposition (USP) and shout it from the rooftops!
*Develop a magnetic online presence that converts followers into fans (and paying clients!)
*Master social media strategies specifically designed for solopreneurs and micro-businesses
*Craft a confident brand voice that positions you as the go-to expert in your niche
*Stop blending in, start standing out! 

Schedule your free consultation today and discover how Bigger Better Me can help you elevate your brand and scale your solo business to new heights.

Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Book for a free call now.
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Meet your Coach

Cecille Ogier,CLC

Experienced Business Mentor, Motivational Speaker, Direct Selling Expert and Entrepreneur since 2006.
Experienced Business Development Officer and business Start-up Founder since 2012.
ICF (International Coaching Federation) Certified Life Coach from New York, USA.
Action and output based coaching and mentoring for prompt result.
Know More About Me

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